The Importance Of Knowing Chinese And Where To Learn It Effectively

Learning to speak Chinese is a great way to give your children an advantage in the increasingly competitive business world. Between equal foreign competitors courting a Chinese company, who will the company choose to associate with, a Chinese speaking foreigner or a foreigner with a translator? China is emerging from a period of stagnation and again taking it's place as one of the great powers of the world. China currently has the second largest economy in the world, and has a huge growth rate of averaging 10% per year. To take advantage of this huge economic shift and opportunities. China is a 12 hour flight away. Using Skype, calling China costs a few cents per minute. As Thomas Friedman has written the world is becoming flat so communication, ideas, and goods are traveling faster and faster between countries including the US and China. Learning Chinese gives you the opportunity to take advantage of this change, it's a great ice breaker when working with people from China if you can say a few words in Chinese. This helps especially when dealing with business people on the other side of the world via conference call if you can speak the same language, adding a translator in negotiations is another barrier.

Mandarin is the most widely spoken language in the world with more than one billion of the world's population speaking Chinese, and 21% of people in the world read Chinese while 8.3% read English. The Chinese population is already one fifth of the population of the world and is rapidly expanding its presence everywhere. Modern Standard Chinese is an official language of the United Nations. Putonghua means common speech or Mandarin. The term putonghua is mostly used in Mainland China, while overseas it is generally known as Guoyu. Both describe essentially the same dialect, which is based on the Beijing dialect, but is standardized to be accepted as the common language of Chinese speakers everywhere.

Learning Mandarin Chinese can be a enjoyable and can be a very useful skill. With an economy growing by leaps and bounds, the importance of China on the world stage is increasingly felt. Chinese is the most frequently spoken language in the world with approximately 900 million speakers and is hence one of the key languages in the world culturally and in business. So where are the best places to learn Chinese and Chinese Mandarin language?

The best places to learn Chinese and Chinese Mandarin are in Hong Kong, there are great Chinese classes in Hong Kong and Chinese lessons in Hong Kong that many people are taking advantage of. If you want to learn the language fully, professionally and effectively from experienced and knowledgeable teachers then learning in Hong Kong is exactly what you'll need to do. It is a well known fact that people visit Hong Kong for the sole purpose of learning the language properly and professionally so that they can really master it, this way they will develop the correct accent and be very well trained in the Chinese Mandarin language.

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Bobby Dwyer has published 1 article. Article submitted on June 16, 2012. Word count: 505

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